Responses to static stretching are dependent on stretch intensity and duration

Sandro R. Freitas, Daniel Vilarinho, João Rocha Vaz, Paula M. Bruno, Pablo B. Costa, Pedro Mil-homens

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44 Citations (Scopus)


Information regarding the effects of stretching intensity on the joint torque-angle response is scarce. The present study examined the effects of three static stretching protocols with different intensities and durations on the passive knee extension torque-angle response of seventeen male participants (age ± SD: 23·9 ± 3·6 years, height: 177·0 ± 7·2 cm, BMI: 22·47 ± 1·95 kg·m2). The stretching intensity was determined according to the maximal tolerable torque of the first repetition: fifty per cent (P50), seventy-five per cent (P75) and the maximum intensity without pain (P100). Five repetitions were performed for each protocol. The stretch duration of each repetition was 90, 135 and 180 s for P100, P75 and P50, respectively. The rest period between repetitions was 30 s. Passive torque at a given angle, angle, stress relaxation, area under the curve, surface electromyography activity and visual analogue scale score were compared. The significant (P<0·05) results found were as follows: (i) the P50 and P75 did not increase the angle and passive peak torque outcomes, despite more time under stretch; (ii) only the P100 increased the angle and passive peak torque outcomes; (iii) the perception of stretching intensity mainly changed depending on knee angle changes, and not passive torque; (iv) the P50 induced a higher passive torque decrease; (v) when protocols were compared for the same time under stretch, the torque decrease was similar; (vi) the change in torque-angle curve shape was different depending on the stretching protocol. In conclusion, higher stretch duration seems to be a crucial factor for passive torque decrease and higher stretch intensity for maximum angle increase.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)478-484
Number of pages7
JournalClinical Physiology and Functional Imaging
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2015
Externally publishedYes


  • Angle
  • Flexibility
  • Hamstring
  • Time under stretch
  • Torque


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