The role of surgical gastrostomy in the age of endoscopic gastrostomy: A 13 years and 543 patients retrospective study

Gabriel Paiva de Oliveira, Carla Adriana Santos, Jorge Fonseca

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10 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) became the gold standard for enteral feeding. Currently, surgical gastrostomy is seldom used. Objective: Evaluating the role of surgical gastrostomy in a center with a large experience in PEG. Methods: A retrospective study ranged 13 years, collecting from clinical records: age, gender, underlying disease, date of procedure, technique, primary surgery, complications, 30-day mortality. Patients were divided according to indication for gastrostomy: a) neurological; b) head and neck cancer; c) other diseases; and d) drainage. PEG, open surgical and laparoscopic gastrostomies were compared concerning evolution of the number of procedures, characteristics of patients, complications and mortality. Results: We identified 509 PEG, 26 open and 8 laparoscopic surgical gastrostomies. An increasing number of the percutaneous approach over the years was observed, while the number of surgical gastrostomies remains steady (mean: 2.6/year). All percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomies but three were feeding procedures, mostly in neurological patients. All laparoscopic gastrostomies were feeding procedures in head and neck cancer. Most open surgical gastrostomies were secondary procedures, part of more complex surgeries, and frequently for drainage purposes. The open surgical approach displayed more morbidity and mortality, reflecting the severity of underlying diseases. Conclusions: In our institution, open surgical gastrostomy is seldom used, and mostly as part of complex procedures, frequently for drainage purposes. PEG is the choice to most dysphagic patients needing an enteral feeding access. When not feasible, laparoscopic gastrostomy is a suitable alternative.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)776-779
Number of pages4
JournalRevista Espanola de Enfermedades Digestivas
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2016


  • Gastrostomy
  • Laparoscopic gastrostomy
  • PEG
  • Surgical gastrostomy


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