Tryptanthrin from indigo: Synthesis, excited state deactivation routes and efficient singlet oxygen sensitization

Daniela Pinheiro, Marta Pineiro, João Pina, Pedro Brandão, Adelino M. Galvão, J. Sérgio Seixas de Melo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Citations (Scopus)


The microwave-assisted synthesis of tryptanthrin from indigo in mild oxidation conditions, and a comprehensive study of the excited state properties of this compound in a variety of solvents with different polarity and viscosity values at room and low temperatures are reported. In contrast with indigo, emission of the triplet state of tryptanthrin is observed with a very efficient singlet oxygen sensitization quantum yield, indicating that the triplet state is efficiently populated. From time-resolved fluorescence and femtosecond transient absorption data, further supported with time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) calculations, two species, with S1 states with locally excited (LE) of π,π* nature and a charge transfer (CT) of n,π* characteristics, originated from an initially populated Frank-Condon S2 state (π,π*), are observed. The two electronically independent species are energetically nearly degenerate and inter-conversion is predicted (and rate constants determined) to occur between LE (S1) and CT (S1) species. Due to the low value of the fluorescence quantum yield (~10−3) and high triplet state yield (ϕT≥ϕΔ), the high stability of this compound is associated to the high efficiency of the radiationless deactivation processes which involve the formation of the CT state which efficiently converts, through S1 ~~> Tn intersystem crossing, to the T1 triplet state.

Original languageEnglish
Article number108125
JournalDyes and Pigments
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2020
Externally publishedYes


  • Fluorescence
  • Indigo
  • Singlet oxygen sensitization
  • Tryptanthrin


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