Why is there a lack of evidence regarding errors and complications in periodontal and implant therapy?

Leandro Chambrone, Giovanni Zucchelli

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


The occurrence of errors, complications, and adverse effects may occur as a consequence of single or multiple events related to the clinician and/or patient. Apparently, the amount of dental literature on these undesirable outcomes has not been as prolific as that obtained for conventional primary periodontal outcome measures. This review explores the potential reasons for the lack of studies reporting on errors and complications in periodontal and implant therapy, as well as other noteworthy methodological aspects, to enlighten their impact on the selection of the best (or most appropriate) “gold standard” periodontal/implant-related treatment options, and on the overall decision-making process. The following points were addressed: (a) the importance of reporting errors and complications in clinical research; (b) the adequate reporting of errors and complications in periodontology and dental implantology; and (c) efficacy trials vs effectiveness studies and their impact on the assessment and report of periodontal and implant treatment-related risks and complications.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)13-20
Number of pages8
JournalPeriodontology 2000
Issue number1
Early online dateAug 2022
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2023


  • adverse effects
  • errors
  • implant dentistry
  • periodontology


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